Goodbye Steve Jobs. An insanely great man.


Crazy isn’t it?  

A garage inventor and founder of one of the first tech startups. Founder of a stunningly successful animation studio. Leader of the most remarkable comeback in business history. A CEO of one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Take any one of those elements and you’d have an amazing story.  Yet Steve did all that and so much more.  A man that very few of us will ever have met, yet one that so many of us felt like we knew, and one that has fundamentally changed our lives.

Steve thought differently.  He had an eye for perfect design and would not budge from those ideals.  Insanely great.  

Two clips ran thourgh my mind when I heard the news this morning:

Think different:


‘We see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do’

Stanford address:


If Steve wanted to leave any advice behind for those that follow, I think it’s in this speech.

RIP Steve.  You’ll be missed.

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