The latest beta of the new release of Lotus Symphony (version 3, based on OpenOffice 3 code) was released this week – it features a huge number of improvements, not least a big increase in speed.
Alongside the new beta, IBM has also issued a new Plug-in, the LotusLive Connector:
LotusLive Connector : Links you to LotusLive by simple click
The IBM LotusLive Connector for Lotus Symphony plugin is a plugin which simplifies creating, updating, and sharing your LotusLive files. The IBM LotusLive Connector for Lotus Symphony includes a capabilities to launch a new meeting. This is an emerging plugin, and go under updates, and quality control.
Support OS: Windows, Linux and Mac
Featuring access to your LotusLive Files library, this is the first step towards seamless sharing of Symphony files in the cloud. Well worth downloading…