I’ve always believed in imitation being the highest form of flattery, and hence I am going to shamelessly steal an idea from another blog… In this case, from Graham Chastney (@grahamchastney) over at Oak-Grove. I’ve been a fan of Graham’s for a while now, as he blogs beautifully and covers a a wide area of topics that really interest me.
So anyway, this post is to launch a series on “My Tools”, the hardware, software, sites and technologies that allow me to do what I do – running my business Collaboration Matters, consulting for my customers, delivering quality collaborative solutions, publishing the blogs, and generally keeping my life on track. There will be some that will be obvious, and a lot more that you may not be aware of. Hopefully either way, you’ll get some benefit from the posts and maybe find some tools that will help you do what you do even better, and I’ll realise just how many important (or not) some of these items are to my daily existence.
As always, feedback is the key, so please do leave comments where appropriate – I’d love to know whether you use the same tools as I do, or if not, what do you use instead?
First post to follow later today!