… it’s off to ILUG I go … 😉
Flight leaves at 16:45 from Bristol, then its off to the Camden Court Hotel to join Sean Burgess and the rest of the crew that have a block-booking at that hotel. Hopefully will get to meet up with Neil and Mike from Oak Ridge (who are staying over the road at the Camden Deluxe) for some supper and some pre-Connectr preparation.
If anyone else is staying nearby and fancies catching up, please give me a call on +44 7855 465940, email on stuartATcollaborationmatters.com or direct tweet me @stuartmcintyre.
Just a reminder regarding the Connectr event taking place tomorrow. It promises to be an excellent day, and features a chance to meet some fantastic IBMers at the Dublin labs, plus some really wonderful speakers. Make it if you can, even if it is only for part of the day. It will be worth it!
We are very pleased to confirm the next Connectr session is to be held on Tuesday 3rd June, IBM Dublin, Technology Campus, Damastown Industrial Estate, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15, Republic of Ireland.
This event has been timed to coincide with the Irish Lotus User Group and offers the chance to make the most of an extra day in Dublin’s fair city hearing the latest about Lotus Connections from some of the top people involved in the product and by visiting IBM’s Labs where they actually develop much of the code.
The current agenda and approximate timings* are as follows:
Early morning people flying in to Dublin
9:30 Bonus session for those who can make it, an informal “Meet the developers in the IBM Dublin labs” (Please note, numbers are limited for this session so please book in advance, see below)
10:30 Main session – Assemble + connections
11:00 Keynote – either Suzanne Minassian, IBM Lotus Connections Product Manager or Heidi Votaw, IBM Lotus Program Director, Social Software
12:30 Lunch & making connections
13:30 “15 Minutes of Fame” sessionsExperiences of the Lotus Connections 2.0 Beta – Daniele Vistalli, Avnet Technology Solutions, Italy and Neil Burston formerly Avnet Technology Solutions, UK
Working with Web 2.0 – Ian McNairn IBM Program Director Web Technology & Innovation
Implementing KM – Success Factors – Colin Mooney, Allied Irish Bank & Extacit Blog14:30 Break & more connections
14:45 Social Networking in Action “How a startup company went from 0 to a 20,000,000 Euro valuation in 3 months using social networking” – Alan Crean, Process Master15:15 Round up Roundtable Discussions – Buzzword Bingo Award
16:00 Finish
17:00 Bar central Dublin & continue making connections*All timings are flexible and subject to change, so be warned 😉
We hope you can make it along, if you are intending to attend, please email co******@bu*****.net "> co******@bu*****.net to confirm so that we can ensure we have the correct size room and the right number of sandwiches!
Very many thanks to all at IBM for sponsoring and supporting this event to help make it possible.
Directions to the site can be found here and a really impressive pictorial map “as you see it from your vehicle” can be found here. If you are arriving on Tuesday and want to share a taxi, use some Social Networking tool to hook up with someone to save money and fuel as well as getting some face to face time with a new or existing friend! A spot prize for the most interesting travel story.