In all the excitement about IBM’s announcement of formal support for Lotus Traveler (and thus Lotus Domino/Notes mail, calendaring and personal contacts) on the Apple iPad on Tuesday at the DNUG conference, I somehow missed this rather important statement:
“Several IBM collaboration products now offer browser based support of the iPad including Lotus Connections and Lotus Quickr for social networking and team collaboration and Lotus Sametime for instant messaging,” IBM said.
[probably because it wasn’t in IBM’s press release but is covered by eWeek, Network World (where this quote appears) and others.]
Now I haven’t seen any updates to formal product announcements, and Monday’s Lotus Quickr 8.5 for Portal announcement didn’t mention the iPad either, so I can only assume that this information came via interviews with IBM execs and/or press relations people.
So I wonder, do we now have formal support for Lotus Connections, Lotus Quickr and Lotus Sametime on the iPad, or is this just suggesting that the apps work on this platform (as they do in most cases)?