LotusLive Vondle Live integration – a demonstration

Taken from the new LotusLive page ‘Integrated Apps Demo: Vondle Live‘:

See how Vondle Live lets you view and annotate nearly any document type within LotusLive – without ever having to download it. No software necessary.

flowplayer(“player”, “http://lotusliveblog.com/video/flowplayer-3.2.5.swf”, {
clip: {
autoPlay: false,
autoBuffering: true
plugins: { // load one or more plugins
controls: { // load the controls plugin
url: ‘http://lotusliveblog.com/video/flowplayer.controls-3.2.3.swf’, // always: where to find the Flash object
playlist: true, // now the custom options of the Flash object
backgroundColor: ‘#000000’,
tooltips: { // this plugin object exposes a ‘tooltips’ object
buttons: true,
fullscreen: ‘Enter Fullscreen mode’

onFinish: function() { // set an event handler in the configuration
alert(“Click Player to start video again”);

The Vondle Live viewer is new to me, but I had the opportunity to meet with the folks from Bricsys at Lotusphere 2010 and they made a really good case for the use of their technology in a cloud-based collaboration environment – removing the need to have native viewers on the user’s desktop for viewing and printing of documents (e.g. in LotusLive Files). I’m very pleased to see that yet another cool collaboration service has made it into LotusLive.  Nice work, folks.

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