Are you an IBM Connections expert?

If so, you may wish to help IBM create the next IBM Connections certfication exam:

Lotus Professional Certification Program Announcement

Exam Development Project Announcement

The Lotus Professional Certification Program is looking for subject matter experts in the administration of IBM Connections 4.0 to assist with upcoming exam development workshops.

**You are receiving this e-mail because of your expertise with this product OR because you may work with subject matter experts who may be qualified to participate**

How to Participate:
1. Please review the workshop details below to see if you possess the necessary technical skills.
2. Determine which workshop(s) you would like to attend.
3. Complete the SME Application form located at Lotus Greenhouse and submit before Sunday, July 29, 2012.

Please forward this announcement on to anyone you know who may be qualified to participate.

We look forward to working with you!
Lotus Professional Certification: IBM Certified System Administrator – IBM Connections 4.0

The Lotus Professional Certification Program is developing the Administering IBM Connections 4.0 exam.

Who Can Participate:
We are looking for subject matter experts (SME’s – which could include SE’s, consultants, courseware developers, support engineers, marketing managers, sales reps, business partners, etc.) to attend one or more of the scheduled exam development workshops. No travel is required. All workshops are facilitated through conference calls and remote collaboration. SME qualifications include hands-on administration experience either real-world or in a lab with IBM Connections 4.0.

Workshop Dates:
*Specific time and call-in details will be sent to participants in a confirmation e-mail.

== Job Task Analysis Workshop ==
August 20 – 22, 2012
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. CDT
5-8 SMEs needed
Purpose: To create the role, job description, tasks, and subtasks that form the foundation of the exam.

== Item Writing Workshop ==
August 27 – 30, 2012
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. CDT
5-8 SMEs needed
Purpose: To create items/exam questions.

== Technical Review Workshop ==
September 17 – 20, 2012
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. CDT
5-8 SMEs needed
Purpose: To review and revise the exam items/test questions.

== Angoff/Scoring Workshop ==
September 24 – 27, 2012
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. CDT
5-8 SMEs needed
Purpose: To score the items for level of difficulty. This will serve as a basis for the overall passing score of the exam.

Benefits of Participation:
Being grandfathered for, or marked as having passed, the Administering IBM Connections 4.0 exam after the exam is published.
Sharing and gaining knowledge from other SMEs. Please note the workshops are not training sessions.
This also helps in obtaining the IT Specialist certification because it provides verification of a skill rating of 4 or 5 in the appropriate technical area.
Participation counts as giveback, which is a requirement for the IT Specialist/IT Architect certifications.
SME Application Form and Confidentiality Form:
The purpose of the SME Application form is to find out a little bit about your background and experience in a given technical area so we can ensure a well-rounded group of experts for each exam workshop.

Due to the nature of Certification testing, it is of vital importance that the contents of the exam remain confidential. If the contents of an exam becomes known, the integrity of exam as a genuine assessment of technical competence is impaired, requiring the withdrawal of the exam and necessitating its rewrite at great expense and time.

At the workshop you will be expected to sign a nondisclosure agreement acknowledging that the information discussed in Lotus Certification Exam Development workshops is confidential and to agree not to communicate the information discussed dealing with Certification exam contents to anyone not directly involved with the development of this exam.

**If you are interested in participating in these workshops, please complete the SME Application form at Lotus Greenhouse.**

I’ve already submitted my application, it would be great if you did too!

Getting certified?

Somehow I hadn’t seen this before…

Take It Again is a voucher program, offered worldwide, by IBM Professional Certification. 

With Take It Again you may purchase specially priced vouchers so that in the event you do not pass an exam on your first attempt, you may quickly and easily retake the same exam for no additional costs.

More >

Note, you need to purchase a voucher before booking the exam with Prometric.  However, this is well worth doing if you’re planning on taking a certification in the near future…