IBM Climate Day

On Thursday, 5 June 2008, the UN Environment Programme will celebrate World Environment Day. In support of this, IBM in Northeast Europe has declared 5 June IBM Climate Day.

The UN is asking countries, companies and communities to focus on greenhouse gas emissions and how to reduce them. The UN’s World Environment Day will highlight resources and initiatives that promote low carbon economies and life-styles.

Climate change is becoming a defining issue of our era. A recent survey of European CEOs showed that some 21% of them see environmental issues as one of the key drivers of change in their organisations in the coming years – impacting both top and bottom lines.

Of course, we need every day to be ‘climate day’ and, while 5 June will be a rallying point for increased focus on our energy and environment initiatives inside and outside IBM, we will need to sustain this greater emphasis on the green agenda thereafter.

We will be communicating more information about IBM Climate Day over the coming week. This is a great opportunity for all of us to make a difference.

Good to see IBM making an effort in this regard.  Having said that, I’ve only just receoved this email, and the event is in 48 hours time, so can’t add any more detail to what is said above…