Collaboration Matters 10 – UK Lotus User Group (UKLUG) 2009

UKLUGNeil Burston and I talk with Warren Elsmore to discuss UKLUG 2009, coming up this autumn.  We cover:

  • What is UKLUG? When? Where?
  • What’s new for 2009?
  • What’s the relationship with ILUG?
  • How is UKLUG organised? Who’s involved?
  • Is it scary organising a 500 attendee user group?
  • Who pays for the event?
  • What about Collaboration University – this is also scheduled for the UK later this year?
  • The year so far – how has 2009 been for Lotus technology?
  • The Year ahead – what is planned / foreseeable – interesting technologies on the horizon or beyond – Google Wave

This podcast is 17MB and runs for 36 minutes at 64kps.  Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters 10 – UK Lotus User Group (UKLUG) 2009

Collaboration Matters 9 – LS09 Connectr BoF Review (with Luis Suarez & Luis Benitez)

Neil Burston and I talk once again with Luis Suarez and Luis Benitez to review the Connectr 7 BoF held at Lotusphere 2009.  We cover:

  • What is a Connectr?
  • Who was there and what did we discuss?
  • Tools versus Enablement & adoption
  • What Social tools are people using – injecting Social Software capabilities into the existing application landscape
  • Actually using Social tools – asking questions and opening up the Silos
  • Do Social Software Best Practices really exist?
  • Who is driving social software adoption within organisations?

This podcast is 41MB and runs for 30 minutes at 192kps.  Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters 9 – LS09 Connectr BoF Review

Update: We’ve been asked for a smaller version of this podcast, so here’s a copy published at 64kbps. Hope this helps!

Collaboration Matters 8 – Los dos Luis (en Espanol)

Neil Burston gets together with two of IBM’s most vocal social software evangelists, Luis Benitez and Luis Suarez to chat (in Spanish) about:

  • Lotusphere – the excitement and the challenges
  • Successes and challenges for Social Software
  • Is Social Software “Mainstream”?
  • A Year without email – working in different ways?

This podcast is 36MB and runs for 26 minutes at 192kps and is 100% in Spanish, so you have been warned!  Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters 8 – Los dos Luis (en Espanol)

P.S. The next episode of our podcast features Neil, Luis, Luis and myself chatting in English!  This will be be published in the next few days…   Buonas noches!

Update: We’ve been asked for a smaller version of this podcast, so here’s a copy published at 64kbps. Hope this helps!

Collaboration Matters 7 – Lotusphere 2009 Review Part 2

Neil Burston and I get together to review Lotusphere 2009 – this is part 2 of the discussion, part 1 was published in the previous episode.  

In this episode we cover:
The introduction of LotusLive
Sametime Unified Communications and Sametime 8.5
Connections 2.5 and Quickr 8.2/Next
Lotus Foundations
and much more…

This podcast is 15.5mb and runs for 33 minutes at 64kps. Sorry for the delay in publishing this one (it was recorded a couple of months ago but work pressures have delayed it being released).  Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters 7 – Lotusphere 2009 Review Part 2

(Link has been corrected – sorry about that…)

Collaboration Matters 6 – Lotusphere 2009 Review Part 1

(Another occasion when Planetlotus gets in too quickly! Link has been updated)

Neil Burston and I get together to review Lotusphere 2009 – this is part 1 of the discussion, part 2 will follow in the next couple of days.  

In this episode we cover:
The Notes/Domino 8.5 launch at MacWorld
The Lotusphere Blog
The Lotusphere Blogger program
Lotusphere 2009 as whole – attendance, organisation etc
The OGS – including the announcement of LotusLive

This podcast is 15.4mb and runs for 33 minutes at 64kps. Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters Podcast – Episode 6 – Lotusphere 2009 Review Part1

Collaboration Matters 4 – The Journey from eLearning to Social Software

Luis Benitez joins Neil Burston and I to talk about his role in IBM, his journey from eLearning to Social Software and the Lotus Connections product.

In this episode we cover:

  • Luis’ role in IBM/Lotus and what he’s been involved in previously
  • What business value can be derived from Lotus Connections
  • The real-world benefits that he’s seen Connections deliver to his customers
  • Why Luis loves Lotus Connections!

This podcast is 18.8mb and runs for 40 minutes at 64kps. Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters Podcast – Episode 4 – The Journey from eLearning to Social Software

Collaboration Matters 3 – Lotus Connections 2.0

Heidi Votaw and Suzanne Minassian join Neil Burston and I to talk about the newly released Lotus Connections 2.0 social software solution.  During this episode you will learn about:

  • What is Connections? Why is it important?
  • What’s new in the 2.0 release?
  • How successful is Connections as a product?
  • Who has deployed it, and what benefits did they gain?
  • What did happen in the Enterprise2.0 shootout with Microsoft?
  • What’s next for Lotus Connections?

This podcast is 22.6mb and runs for 49 minutes at 64kps. Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters Podcast – Episode 3 – Lotus Connections 2.0

(for iTunes: )

Collaboration Matters 1 – UKLUG 2007 (Taking Notes 67)

How thrilling!

After a couple of years of listening to Bruce and Julian on the Taking Notes podcast, and being excited to get a mention once or twice for the Quickr Blog, I have finally plucked up the courage (thanks to Neil Burston’s suggestion) to dip a tentative toe into the murky world of podcasting.  

On Tuesday evening Neil and I got together in our sleepy little corner of the Cotswolds and recorded a number of discussions regarding the recent UKLUG meeting.  We had already suggested to Bruce that this might happen, and offered a 5 minute slot to befitted into his ongoing Taking Notes schedule.  So off we went wondering how on earth we were to fill 5 whole minutes with useful chat, and started to cover the atnosphere of the day, the major sessions, some of the personalities involved and so on.  By the time we’d wrapped up the conversation, 25 minutes had passed!!  So a second try ensued, this time with slightly less waffle and fewer Umms and Ahhhs, and we were down to 12minutes.  Errr, this wasn’t as easy as I had imagined.

So, final go (it was appraching 11pm) and we managed a reasonably coherent 6-minute recording.  Neil spent a further hour or so tidying up the recording and converting to MP3, and then pushed it over to Bruce.  In what seemed an incredibly short period of time, this has been slotted into its very own Taking Notes podcast, and is live (with a link on Vowe.Net even).  Amazingly, for a first try, it sounds reasonably good – I’ll let you make up your minds on that though!…

So to listen to Taking Notes episode 67 head over to the Taking Notes site now (or else refresh your podcast feed in iTunes etc.)!

However, that’s not quite the end of the story…  Neil and I have been pondering a series of podcasts focusing on the Collaboration business and Lotus community in the UK and Europe, to be released under the “Collaboration Matters!” banner.  I think that Bruce and Julian do a fabulous job with Taking Notes, as does Chris Miller at IdoNotes, so I am keen that we don’t compete on the same ground – that wouldn’t help anyone.  Therefore, the plan is for this podcast to concentrate on a UK/European focus, plus to cover a wider IBM technology brief, not just Lotus products.  These plans are still being sketched out at present, so we’ll just have to see how it all happens.

In the meantime, I have taken the 12 minute version of the UKLUG chat and created episode one of the Collaboration Matters podcast (a proper RSS feed will follow shortly).  Let me know what you think!

Collaboration Matters Podcast – Episode 1 – UKLUG 2007