Everything Connections: Australian IBM Connections user group pilot

Really pleased to hear that Adam Brown and the ISW team are kicking off a local IBM Connections user group in Australia:
[squeeze_box]Everything Connections

Is your organisation a social business, running on IBM Connections?

Want to learn from your peers in other businesses about how they use and obtain value from the platform and what’s in store for the next generation of IBM Connections? Want to open dialogue with like-minded colleagues and establish an ongoing user group in Australia?

Then this is the event for you!

As one of Australia’s leading IBM Premier Business Partners, we here at ISW figured there is a lot we can learn from each other. Rather than host a big bang event, we’re proposing to pull together a small group of like-minded people from Dulux, Incitec Pivot and Cochlear willing to share their experiences, for mutual benefit to all participants.

We’re inviting you to come and join us and help us all learn about Social Business together!



THURSDAY: Morning arrival. Kick off and 4 hrs of session and learning in the afternoon. Dinner with everyone at an awesome Hobart restaurant.
FRIDAY: 6 hrs of session and learning, leaving time enough for everyone to catch a flight home, or alternatively stay on and enjoy a weekend in Tasmania![/squeeze_box] Taking place on 17th/18th July, this sounds an exciting first event. Register now if you’re in the area…

[The event has been added to the event calendar on this site – check out the other IBM Connections-related events coming up soon!]