IBM Champion gear

Thank you IBM

I was hugely honoured to once again be nominated as an IBM Champion back in December.

IBM describes Champions as:

IBM Champion definitionNon-IBMers who evangelize IBM solutions, share their knowledge and help grow the community of professionals who are focused on social business and IBM Collaboration Solutions. IBM Champions spend a considerable amount of their own time, energy and resources on community efforts — organizing and leading user group events, answering questions in forums, contributing wiki articles and applications, publishing podcasts, sharing instructional videos and more!

I was delighted on arriving at my office this morning to find out that today was the day that the branded IBM Champion merchandise has arrived:

IBM Champion gear boxes IBM Champion gear

Given my new role, I had to be a bit more careful this time in terms of the gear that I selected, but I have to say, I’m delighted with the quality and style of the luggage and drinks containers that I received.

Many thanks to Amanda, Oli and everyone else that works on the Champion program. I’m a big fan of brands recognising advocates in their external communities, so I applaud their continued efforts in this area.

IBM Champion logo

Honoured and somewhat shocked!

IBM Champion logo

I am truly honoured and somewhat shocked absolutely blown away to be on the list of IBM Champions for ICS 2014!

Thank you to those that nominated me and stood by me through some tricky times in the last year or so.  Your support means a huge amount to me.

Congrats to all those listed below:

Adam Brown

Andrew Barickman

Arshad Khalid

Benedek Menesi

Bill Malchisky

Brad Balassaitis

Brian O’Neill

Bruce Elgort

Chris Miller

Christian Güedemann

Christoph Stoettner

Cody Burleson

Daniel Lieber

Daniele Grillo

David Leedy

David Price

Dennis Rot

Femke Goedhart

Francie Tanner

Frank Van der Linden

Fredrik Norling

Friso van den Berg

Gabriella Davis

Gary Swale

Giuseppe Grasso

Glenn Kline

Handly Cameron

Howard Greenberg

Jan Valdman

Jérôme Deniau

Jesse Gallagher

João Vendruscolo

John Head

John Jardin

Julian Robichaux

Karl-Henry Martinsson

Kathy Brown

Keith Brooks

Kenichi Sato

Kenio Carvalho

Kenji Ebihara

Koichi Hatanaka

Laks Sundararajan

Liz Albert

Luis Carlos Garza

Marion Vrielink

Mark Calleran

Mark Leusink

Mark Roden

Masahiko Miyo

Matteo Bisi

Mike Ostrowski

Mikkel Heisterberg

Mitch Cohen

Mitsuru Katoh

Olaf Boerner

Patrice Vialor

Patrick Hope

Paul Calhoun

Paul Della-Nebbia

Paul Mooney

Paul Withers

Per Henrik Lausten

Ray Bilyk

René Winkelmeyer

Rob Novak

Rupert Clayton

Russ Maher

Salvador Gallardo

Sandra Bühler

Sarah Carter

Sasja Beerendonk

Serdar Basegmez

Sharon Bellamy

Simon Vaughan

Sjaak Ursinus

Steve Pitcher

Stuart McIntyre

Takeshi Yoshida

Theo Heselmans

Tim Clark

Tim Malone

Tom Simmons

Tony Holder

Ulrich Krause

Vincent Perrin

Wannes Rams

Social Business Online for iPhone

IBM ‘Social Business Online’ app now available

IBM Connect is just around the corner (I travel on Friday, so better crack on with the packing!), and thoughts turn to sessions, schedules and social events.

After a few false starts this year, IBM has settled on the Social Business Online tool as the official means to view sessions, create a personal schedule and network with other attendees.  A combination of IBM Connections, Sametime and Domino/XPages platforms, it can be reached via the web, mobile browser or using the recently released native app for iOS (iPhone and iPad):

Social Business Online for iPhone Social Business Online for iPad

or Android:

IBM Social Business Online Android IBM Social Business Online Android

I’m fairly impressed with Social Business Online, and would advise all attendees to at least check in once or twice to see the latest content.  I do see this as the last year for this particular site though – I had hoped that the days of the ‘for one week only’ social sites were over.

There is also an exciting community-provided alternative from Mat Newman, Turtle Partnership and others ‘The totally unofficial, totally unsupported IBM Connect 2013 session database‘ (it does need a snappy acronym though!). This is available as a Notes database, mobile UI and now as a native iOS app too.

Either way, there is no excuse for not being properly prepared for IBM Connect.  My advice is to create a detailed schedule of sessions you plan to attend, plus a list of backup sessions should you be running late, the room is full or your first choice is not as engaging as you hoped it would be.

IBM Collaboration Solutions Community Webcast

If you don’t take part in the monthly IBM Collaboration Solutions monthly community webcasts then you are really missing out.  Run by the wonderful Joyce Davis, they’re great opportunities to catch up the latest news regarding ICS/Lotus products, to hear from those active in the community and to have an opportunity to feed back on your own opinions and views.

This month’s webcast featured IBM Champion Simon Vaughan from Cardiff University, Baan Slavens from IBM and Eric Otchet presenting on Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1:

Make sure you register for August’s meeting!  All the details are shared on the IBM Social Business blog.