Michael Sampson

Doing Business with IBM Connections. A masterclass! (23rd September 2013, London)


Collaboration Matters takes pride in approaching Social Business and Collaboration from a business-value perspective.

It is therefore never about “technology for technology’s sake” but instead we help our customers to focus on transforming their organisations to become increasingly open in approach, to share knowledge more widely and to collaborate in ever more transparent ways with colleagues inside and outside the organisation. Therefore tools and platforms such as IBM Connections are merely a means to an end rather than the focus of the work that we do.

Michael SampsonWe love working with others in our community that feel similarly, and Michael Sampson is a shining example of this. From his vendor-neutral approach through his brilliant books on Social Business and User Adoption to his exceptional workshops, we feel that Michael sets the standard for analysing why and how Social Business techniques can be leveraged to generate business value.

For that reason, Collaboration Matters is delighted to announce that we are hosting an upcoming Doing Business with IBM Connections masterclass delivered by Michael, to be held in St. Pancras, Central London on Monday 23rd September 2013. This is an updated version of the successful workshop that was ‘tagged on’ to Social Connections V in Zurich back in June.

The Doing Business with IBM Connections masterclass provides a forum for quickly exploring real-world applicability of IBM Connections in organisations today. The workshop presents ten core collaboration scenarios that business people do on a day-to-day basis, and examines how to bring each of these to life in IBM Connections 4.5, in the context of business and human factors. The scenarios include co-authoring documents, managing meetings, running projects, and making decisions. Each of the ten collaboration scenarios are explored, with demonstrations to bring each of the scenarios to life. Attendees do more than just hear the ideas; they also get to see each of the scenarios being worked out before their eyes.

If your organisation is exploring the potential benefits of using IBM Connections, this workshop provides a vendor-neutral, independent perspective to guide your planning. And even if you have been using IBM Connections for some years, this workshop provides targeted advice on making the most of the platform to help you and your organisation do business better.

Discounted ‘Early Bird’ tickets are available until 6pm this Friday, so if you would like to attend, register ASAP!