Announcing the SocialNotes fast-start offering !

So, IBM is entitling existing Lotus Notes/Domino customers (with qualifying current maintenance agreements) to use Connections Files and Profiles across their Notes user population.  This is fantastic news…

However, that leaves Notes/Domino customers needing to get Connections installed, configured and integrated with their Notes clients.  

Whilst much more straightforward than it was in previous releases of Connections, it is still a tricky process to do well and requires advanced knowledge of WebSphere, DB2 (or Oracle/SQL Server) and TDI – those that attended our Show and Tell at Lotusphere 2011 might vouch for that!

Therefore Collaboration Matters are today launching our new offering to enable Notes/Domino customers to quickly and efficiently get up and running with the Files and Profiles features – SocialNotes.

For the incredibly affordable fixed services cost of 2,000GBP (EUR2,300/$3,000), Collaboration Matters will plan, design, install and configure IBM Connections Files and Profiles for your organisation.  You provide the hardware, OS and entitlement – we do the rest!

While nominally based in the UK, we support customers worldwide, and can deliver this offering in person or at a remote location.

Our many Connections customer projects over the past 3 years have given us leading expertise at delivering Connections solutions, including the development of our own workflows for the build and integration of Connections into existing Notes/Domino environments.  Within a very short time period, we’ll have your users up and running with the newly entitled features, meaning that your administrators can continue to focus on their day jobs, taking on basic administration of the installed Connections infrastructure rather than spending weeks learning to install and configure – something they will likely not need to do again in the future.

This is a special introductory offer valid until the end of 2011 – so get your SocialNotes implementation booked ASAP!

If you’re a Notes/Domino customer interested in implementing these new features, please get in touch ASAP.

If you’re a Notes/Domino partner that has customers that would need this solution, we’re very happy to work with you to get it into their environments.

Talk to Collaboration Matters about SocialNotes today!