Social Connections VII

Getting social in Stockholm NEXT WEEK!

I’m just back from a very pleasant week’s vacation in Madrid with my family, and have stepped back into the maelstrom that is last minute planning for Social Connections VII!

Whilst I was away, the tremendous team (Brian, Martin, Wannes, Maria, Lars and Jan) have been pulling out all the stops to dot the Is and cross the Ts on details such as the event catering, prizes for speed sponsoring, late changes to the agenda, the two evening receptions and much more.  As you’d expect, after doing six of these events in the past, we’re pretty adept at knowing what needs to be done and when, but there are always new challenges that crop up each time – not least as we’re working in a city that most of us have never visited, at a venue we’ve never seen, and in a language that we don’t speak!  Thanks to local knowledge from a couple of our team, we’re making it through!  In fact, better that that, we know this will be our most polished event yet…

So, we’ve got just 9 days left to wrap up the planning, pack the boxes and head to the airport.  Oh and write a presentation or two as well!

The only question that remains is ‘will you be there?’.  If you haven’t considered attending yet – you really only have a few days to make the commitment, register for your ticket and book your hotel.  We can promise two days of great Social Business content, access to some of the finest speakers in the community, wonderful social experiences in a beautiful city and tonnes of fun too.  What are you waiting for?

Social Connections VII
Register now!