A sweet combo – SugarCRM and IBM Connections

You may have seen from the social networks that I am once again in New York City this week. As well as seeing a very important customer, I’m spending three days at SugarCon, the annual conference run by SugarCRM.

Today is the partner day – the equivalent of BP Development Day at IBM Connect for those that have attended that event. It’s been a fascinating morning so far, with keynotes from the CEO and CTO, as well as updates on partner programs and more. I’ve been tweeting extensively, so follow that stream for more details.

However, as a first post from the event, I wanted to share this video, highlighting the Connections integration that Sugar and IBM have been working on. It is mightily impressive:


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Collaboration Matters sees Social CRM as one of the biggest growth areas in 2013 – Social Business platforms cannot just be a ‘destination’ but have to be fully integrated into all areas of the business. For every business, that includes helping the organisation and its employees serve its customers better.

As Sugar have said today, it is about ‘Every Customer. Every User. Every Time.‘. Focus on every customer relationship by enabling every user in your business to deliver exceptional service every time. By combining a CRM solution that is fully integrated into a social collaboration platform, formal and informal customer data can be added to the knowledge and people within your organisation to deliver amazing value to your customers.

I’m really looking forward to hearing more from Sugar this week and will be sharing it here as the week goes on…