Notes web2.0 spell-check

Web2.0 goes to work, except in the Notes client!

Sorry, that title is a bit of a cheap shot, but this has been nagging at me for a while, and I finally had to say something…

Lotus has been dealing with Web2.0 technology for what, a minimum of 18 months – 2 years?  Blogs and wikis have been around for 5 years+, yes?

So why-oh-why does the Notes client spell check not recognise such common terms as web2.0, blog, wiki and mashup?  Even worse, why does it not recognise Lotus’ own trademark products, Sametime and Quickr?

Notes web2.0 spell-check

(Oh and I’m running the latest greatest Notes 8.5 Beta 1 here).

Surely it’s time for an update of the standard spell-check dictionaries for the Notes client?

Lotus Web2.0 Developer Kit

This looks to be a useful package of information to digest, or to pass onto your developer teams:

Lotus Web 2.0 Developer kit

Putting Web 2.0 to work
27 Nov 2007

Ideas plus collaboration equal innovation. It’s a simple formula, but how do you leverage ideas and how do you better enable collaboration in your organization? Using Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking, Lotus software offers several solutions to help you collaborate, communicate, and innovate. Find out how Lotus software brings social networking to the enterprise in this Lotus Web 2.0 Developer kit.

In this kit

Web 2.0 podcast series:

  • What is Web 2.0?
  • What is Ajax?
  • What is REST?
  • What are Atom/RSS feeds?
  • Using Web 2.0 in IBM Lotus Domino
  • Using Web 2.0 in IBM WebSphere Portal

Plus a developerWorks interview with Tim Berners-Lee

developerWork articles

  • Using Ajax to add document preview functionality to your IBM Lotus Domino site


  • Lotus Connections product demo
  • Lotus Connections business demo
  • Lotus Quickr product demo


  • Introducing IBM Lotus Quickr – The Fastest Way To Share Content With Your Teams

Link: Lotus Web 2.0 Developer kit