Great quotes by the always interesting Jason Calacanis:
“Blogging is largely dead.”
“There are a lot of stupid people out there … and stupid people shouldn’t write.”
“There needs to be a better system for tuning down the stupid people and tuning up the smart people.”
He goes on to describe a new phase of social media, Web 3.0 (I hate the term already!):
“You have to have a deep understanding to be a blogger,” Calacanis said.
Calacanis thinks that Web 3.0 will be the “Age of Expertise.” Blogging brought about the era of Web 2.0 where people who may not have had a voice before could publish whatever they want. The rise of kittens on the Web, for instance. Add the ability to comment on stories and then share them through social media and Web 2.0 was the Age of Interactivity.
“The concept of journalism is going away,” Calacanis said. “It is not enough to be a writer. You need to be a writer and an expert.”
Fascinating thoughts…
What do you think? Are we reaching an age where both blogging and journalism become less important, to be replaced by a demand for intelligent, reasoned and well researched expert analysis and comment?