Building enterprise software today: A partnership in openness (IBM’s Jason Roy Gary at FOSSASIA 2017)

FOSS ASIAThose that were at IBM Connect or on recent partner calls may have seen versions of this presentation from Jason Roy Gary of IBM. However, I am thrilled to find a video version recorded at last week’s FOSSASIA 2017 event held in Singapore.

Jason is a Distinguished Engineer and since last year has lead the IBM Connections engineering team. It’s fair to say that his arrival has resulted in a dramatic revolution in the way that IBM is approaching the Connections product, infrastructure and development process. The plans for Connections Pink demonstrate this in an emphatic way.

In this presentation, Jason outlines his beliefs, the challenges that vendors face in 2017, and why an open approach is essential for enterprise software.  It is a fascinating hour’s worth of listening, and I’d recommend it to any IBM customer or partner.

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