
(Turn and face the stranger)
Don’t want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the stranger)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can’t trace time

– David Bowie, Changes, 1971

Life never stands still, does it?  That’s one of the pure joys of it – you never know what’s around the corner… You just have to have faith, step out, and do what you believe is the right thing.

And sometimes, what seemed to be the right thing turns out to not be so good.  But for sure, no matter what, one always learns from those experiences…


So what’s changing?

This month I am simplifying and consolidating my business interests, and as a result, am in the process of closing Collaboration Matters.  

These past two years, I’ve been running two companies (Social365 – an independent Social Business consultancy), and Collaboration Matters (an IBM-centric hosting and professional services provider).  Both have been thriving in terms of projects and customers.  In equal measures this has been exciting, daunting and thoroughly exhausting.

Having had time to reflect and consider, in the light of what I want to achieve in my own life, and alongside the things that my family and I believe are important, it was time to refocus…  

Focus on where I think this industry is going over the next decade, on a broader spectrum of the technologies and methodologies that will be important, and on the type of work and lifestyle that I want to have.

Given all that, Social365 is where I want to concentrate my energies, passion and drive.


What does this mean for this blog and my other output?  

Well, for the moment, nothing changes…  As you may have spotted, I’ve actually thrown myself back into blogging and Twitter again these last few weeks, and actually, I’ve posted more IBM-related content recently than in many months.  I also have a new Connections site that I’m preparing to launch before the end of the year.  Finally, I’m truly delighted to be speaking at Connect 2014, and will be thrilled to see many good friends, customers and partners there.

However, you’ll also begin to see signs of divergence.  Coverage of other thriving Social Business technologies and emerging vendors, more energy spent on business practices than on the minutiae of platforms, fix packs and configuration parameters, and lastly, even more focus on analysis and strategy rather than on tactics.


Most importantly, I want to re-find the Stuart of 2011, the one with energy and passion to spare, the one that James Governor termed ‘a force of nature’ at Lotusphere 2011.  I hope you’ll see him returning over the coming weeks!

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