Changing the web browser preferences in Notes 8.5 on the Mac

Ever wondered how to change the web browser preferences on the Notes 8.5 Standard client on the Mac?  It’s not obvious (the setting isn’t available via Manage Locations):

This is the answer according to IBM Support:
Please follow the work around steps below.

– Exit the client
– Edit the Notes Preference file (found in /Library/Preferences)
– Add this line:     UseBasicNotes=1       just after Timezone=-8
– Save the file
– Start Notes client and you’ll see it in Basic mode

– Then edit the location document and change the Internet Browser setting from “2” to either Safari or Firefox.
– Save the location document changes and Exit the client again
– Edit the Notes Preference file (found in /Library/Preferences)
– Remove the line UseBasicNotes=1
– Save the notes preference file.
– Start Notes Client again

Let’s hope that this glitch is fixed in 8.5.1, eh?

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