Inhi Cho on stage

Engage 2017 abstract submission closes today

Engage logoEngage 2017 is about 2 months away.

Monday-Tuesday, 8 – 9 May, 2017, at the Elisabeth Center Antwerp, Belgium. A brand new conference center, in an historic frame. In the city center, next to the 19th century Zoo and the stunning Antwerp Central train station.

Our target is to have more attendees than the 425 attendees we had last time.

Close to 80 sessions in 5 tracks: Business & Strategy, Development, Administration & Deployment, Emerging Technologies
and for the first time: Big Data & Analytics!

Please submit a session proposal as soon as possible (deadline is Feb. 28th, 2017).

Engage is probably the best IBM Collaboration user group anywhere in the world, and the 2017 edition is looking like it will be the best yet! And yep, that deadline is today

So, if you have a story to tell, submit your abstract now!

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