Follow-up re: Connections fix installers.

You may have read my earlier missive regarding how the Lotus Connections fixpack installer (and the overall fix delivery process) could be easier and more intuitive.  Well, it may not be easy or intuitive, but it does work in the end. You just need the secret code!

So here is my version of how to install a Connections 2.0 fixpack and associated fixes:

1) The usual stuff.  Stop all WAS services.  Backup your system.  Back it up again.  Test the backup. etc.
2) Download the Lotus Connections update installer from Fixcentral
3) Unpack and install into {LotusConnectionsDir}/update where LotusConnectionsDir is something like c:IBMWebSphereLotusConnections or /opt/IBM/Websphere/LotusConnections
4) Download the fixpack and fixes into {LotusConnections}/update/fixpacks
5) Start a commandline (CMD or xterm etc)
6) cd {AppServerDir}/bin
7) run setupCmdLine.bat or ./ to setup your environment
8) cd {LotusConnections}/update
9) This is where we get the complexity:

If you are installing a FixPack (e.g. FP1), then you use this syntax (updateLC.bat on Windows, ./ on Unix):

updateLC -installDir {LotusConnectionsDir} -fixpack -install -fixpackDir {LotusConnectionsDir}updatefixpacks -fixpackID {FixpackID} -wasUserID {WASAdmin} -wasPassword {Password}


updateLC -installDir c:webspherelotusconnections -fixpack -install -fixpackDir c:webspherelotusconnectionsupdatefixpacks -fixpackID LC2001_Fixpack -wasUserID wasadmin -wasPassword passw0rd

If you are install a Fix then the parameters are different:

updateLC -installDir {LotusConnectionsDir} -fix -install -fixDir {LotusConnectionsDir}updatefixpacks -fixes {FixID} -wasUserID {WASAdmin} -wasPassword (where {FiXID} is the name of the fix without the .jar extension)


updateLC -installDir c:webspherelotusconnections -fix -install -fixDir c:webspherelotusconnectionsupdatefixpacks -fixes LO32651 -wasUserID wasadmin -wasPassword passw0rd

10) Backup the server again
11) Restart the WAS server(s).

I hope that makes sense.

A huge thank you to Kieran Reid in the Lotus support team in Dublin for helping me to work this one out.

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