… a book focused on Lotus Notes is published!
Compliance leader IT Governance is delighted to announce the publication of a landmark best practice governance guide by a leading expert in the widely deployed collaboration platform, IBM’s Lotus Notes, which will be available at the upcoming Lotusphere 2009 event in Orlando (January 18-22nd).
Lotus Notes is now being seen as a potential danger area for today’s corporations by allowing business users to develop their own applications for all sorts of critical activities – from expenses through payroll to CRM and financial reporting. The fact that there is little or no formal control over any of these, particularly few adhering to Sarbanes-Oxley and Data Protection regulations for instance, leaves too many businesses exposed to regulatory failure.
Craig Schumann’s
‘Just Enough Governance for Notes’
is the first book to identify a ‘light touch’ approach as key to preserving the flexibility and agility that makes Notes so well-loved, while instituting enough governance to ensure that information security and regulatory compliance requirements are all met.
Schumann – a Senior Vice President for R&D at Notes developers TeamStudio – has set out to show how organisations can apply ‘Just Enough Governance’ to their Lotus Notes development areas to enable business users to retain development control, but without forcing the IT team to take control of something that no one really wants them to have to take control of.
Sounds good doesn’t it – it’s an area that hasn’t had a huge amount of coverage in the past, and I’m sure Craig has done an excellent job.
This line in the press release made me take a sharp intake of breath though:
Written for specialist and general readers alike, Schumann, who has a reputation second to none in the Notes world, here offers what internationally renowned Lotus Notes expert and commentator Thomas ‘Duffbert’ Duff cites as bridging “the gap between the ‘Wild, Wild West’ environment so often seen in Notes shops, and the approval- and documentation-heavy processes you see in other IT areas.
Perhaps in the area of governance yes, but that’s a pretty broad sweep statement Craig!
I look forward to seeing more of the book this week.