How are you approaching User Adoption? Please take the Survey!

Many of you will be aware that I work on occasion with Michael Sampson, esteemed Collaboration Strategist and author of ‘User Adoption Strategies’ and the upcoming ‘Collaboration Roadmap’.  Michael and I have also submitted an abstract for Lotusphere 2012, but that’s a topic for another post.

Michael has previously surveyed business users on the use and effectiveness of the various strategies that he covers in the User Adoption Strategies book, and the data has been used in various presentations that Michael has used around the world since then.

Well it’s time to run a new survey to check on progress:

It’s time to ask the question again. How are you approaching user adoption? What strategies are you using? How effective have the strategies been in your organization?

I have re-developed the survey – adding a few new strategies from the book, and using slightly different rating scales – and it’s up and ready for you to contribute your experience.

WIN A COPY OF THE USER ADOPTION STRATEGIES BOOK! If you take the survey and leave your contact details, you will automatically go in the draw for one of five copies of User Adoption Strategies. There’s a weekly drawing between now and early January, so complete the survey early to get a maximum number of opportunities to win a copy.

Image:How are you approaching User Adoption? Please take the Survey!

Michael is particularly interested in hearing from IBM Connections customers to find out how adoption is going in your environments.

Should our abstract be accepted for Lotusphere, we will be using this data as part of the presentation, so please do head over and complete the survey!

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