IBM Connections 4.5 IFR2 – Ephox Edit!Live now bundled


As announced at IBM Connect 2014, all IBM Connections customers on active maintenance are now entitled to use Ephox Edit!Live as their default editor throughout the IBM Connections platform.

IBM Connections product manager, Luis Benitez, has an overview:

Today, we are announcing our first delivery for 2014: IBM Connections 4.5 IFR2. This release provides an entitlement change to allow all of our IBM Connections 4.5+ customers to use an advanced rich text editor.

This advanced editor streamlines content creation allowing users to focus on creating and sharing content and not on formatting.  This in turn accelerates adoption and usage across the enterprise. The new advanced rich text editor adds several features such as:

  • High fidelity copy/paste from Microsoft Word or a web browser
  • Inline spell checking as-you-type, with alternatives and synonyms
  • Embedding of social media links
  • Track changes and commenting
  • Hyperlink checking
  • Content templates
  • and more…

Here’s a quick demo so you can see it in action:

Many IBM Connections specialists will have already deployed the Ephox Editor in customer environments at least in pilot – it has been available as a standalone license for over a year now. However, the bundling of this entitlement for every organisation using the platform is a really big deal. Connections can be a significant purchase in its own right, so asking customers to then purchase an additional licence to allow fully functional rich text editing was a tricky sale. Now that IBM have licensed Edit!Live on customers’ behalf, that obstacle goes away.

I’ve seen a great response from users to this new functionality, so I definitely recommend that all organisations deploy it even just for evaluation purposes.

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