Installing Lotus Domino 8.5.2 on Ubuntu server

[Blogged in the spirit of appearing in a Google search next time I hit this problem in 6 months time having forgotten this fix, as I always do]

When one tries to install Domino 8.5.x (specifically 8.5.2) on a clean Linux install (specifically Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick, though I’ve seen in on Centos and Fedora too), the Domino installer script just fails silently:

root@henderson:/install/linux/domino# ./install -console
Lotus Domino for Unix Install Program
InstallShield Wizard

Initializing InstallShield Wizard…

Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine…

No errors get written to the screen or any log files.  To get some troubleshooting data, one needs to force output to a log file:

root@henderson:/install/linux/domino# ./install -is:log /tmp/domino852log.txt
Lotus Domino for Unix Install Program
Your DISPLAY is currently set to  localhost:10.0
Answer Yes to continue in graphic mode
Answer No to continue in console mode
Answer Exit to exit application.
Do you wish to continue in graphic mode?[Yes]
Continuing in console mode
InstallShield Wizard

Initializing InstallShield Wizard…

Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine…

Of course, the install still fails, but this time we get an error message in the log file:

ERROR: Invalid bundled JVM. Missing ‘jvm’ file.

It turns out that this is demonstrating that the ‘JVM’ files required are part of a missing prerequisite.  To fix this, run the following (appropriate for Ubuntu):

apt-get install libgnomeprintui2.2-0 ia32-libs ttf-xfree86-nonfree

This then allows the installer to move on into the menu driven install process.

Make sense?

P.S. IBM, can we please have the installer logging out to a log file by default?  Even better, the installer on AIX does a number of pre-install compatibility checks – can we not have that on Ubuntu and the other Linux distros too?

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