LotusLive Engage pricing – a competitive view

So LotusLive Engage pricing has been announced as $15-$45 per user per month.

It is interesting to see how this compares to similar offerings from competitors:

  • WebEx charge $59-$69 per user (web-conferencing host) per month which is a per user pricing model that includes intranet and extranet usage.  This is purely for web conferences for up to 25 attendees.
  • Microsoft charge $15 per user per month for their Business Productivity Online Suite (including Exchange email), but as far as I understand this is per domain – it is intended as an Intranet solution only.  i.e. if Collaboration Matters wanted to connect via BPOSS to five of our customers, I would need to pay 5*$15 per month for each of our users (with a minimum of 5 users).  This seems to be a very odd charging mechanism but again, this is the way I understand it… Happy to be corrected if I have it wrong.

Therefore I see the Engage pricing as being very competitive at this stage! For a maximum of $45 per user per month you get unlimited web meetings, file sharing, activities, profiles and IM access!  As soon as I have more details re: volume pricing that I can share I will let you all know…

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