LotusLive wins Enterprise2.0 Audience Choice Award

enterprise2.0 logo 200The Enterprise2.0 conference is taking place in Boston this week and plaudits were delivered early to IBM with success at Monday night’s “Evening in the Cloud” event.

An interesting program included:

Panel Discussion: Three Ways to Marry the Benefits of Cloud Computing to Your Legacy Applications
This interactive “customer visit” will focus on three primary ways to move your legacy into the cloud:

  * Moving the code for existing runtimes/languages like .NET and Java into cloud-based utilities run by vendors of the original technology: a Java utility run by Sun, a .Net utility run by Microsoft, even a Python utility run by Google (Google App Engine);
  * Moving existing applications from behind the firewall into cloud-based hosting environments like Amazon’s EC2; and

  * Re-writing the existing applications to run on platforms as services (PaaS): Salesforce.com’s Force.com, Bungee’s Bungee Connect, Google App Engine, or one of the Rails-cloud providers such as Joyent, RightScale, Brightbox or Heroku.

Speed Geeking and Cocktail Reception

  * In a speed dating-like format, vendors will demo their solutions in 6 minutes or less. You’ll then have the opportunity to “spend” your virtual $1 million on the cloud-based solution(s) of your choice. The company with the most money will be announced at the end of the program.

By all accounts, IBM’s LotusLive offering won the audience vote by a landslide, triumphing over solutions from EMC and Google.

Congratulations to Sean Pouley and the LotusLive team!

A live blog review of the evening can be found on the ebiz blog.

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