Remember the reason for the season – Give this Christmas away

Complements of the season to you.

Every year for the past 10 or so, we have been involved in filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child – a charity effort to deliver Christmas gifts to those children that most deserve them (either deprived kids in the UK or mostly in developing countries around the world).  Each of our four kids chooses to buy gifts with their own money and fills a box for a child of a similar age – it’s a good way to pass on just a fraction of the blessings that we have here.

This years boxes have already started reaching those children abroad, including in the Ukraine:

[vimeo 18049342 w=751 h=563]

Isn’t that wonderful?

Samaritan’s Purse (who run the project) are still taking donations and offering the chance to build online shoeboxes to be delivered to Swaziland, so if you have some spare money and feel pulled to pass it on to those who most need it, this might be something to give towards?

Give this Christmas away…

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