Reviewing IBM Connections 4.0

Great new reviewer’s guide from IBM:

This Reviewer’s Guide provides an extensive overview of the latest version of IBM’s social software, IBM Connections 4.0, and its nine applications: Home, Profiles, Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, and Wikis. In addition, this guide explains how to extend the features and functions of IBM Connections to your existing applications.

A perfect start if you’re looking to find out the new features and enhancements in IBM Connections 4.0, or to communicate those with others.  Written by those that know the product best:

Baan Slavens, Product Manager, Social Software, IBM
Mac Guidera, Product Manager, Social Software, IBM
Luis Benitez, Product Manager, Social Software, IBM
Fred Raguillat, Solution Architect, IBM
Rene Schimmer, Offering Manager, Social Software, IBM
Suzanne Livingston, Senior Product Manager, Social Software, IBM
Heidi Ambler, Director, IBM

Download it here (PDF)

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