IBM is still rolling out updates to the Connections 4.0 documentation, including this one that became available last week:
Customizing email digests
The content of the daily and weekly email digests is defined in templates that are processed by the FreeMarker engine. These templates are used for each recipient of the daily or weekly email digest. You can customize the content of the email digests by modifying the existing template files or by replacing the files with custom templates that you create yourself. You can also modify the notification properties files to add custom strings to the email digests and modify the images used in email digests.
IBM Connections wiki : IBM Connections 4.0 documentation : Customizing email digests
The format of the notifications has changed substantially in 4.0, so this is an important area to be well documented. One of the key pieces of information in there is how to remove or change the IBM logo in the notification emails – most customers will want to do this.
[As an aside, one of the requests I’ll be putting in for Connections Next is an easy switch to remove all IBM branding from the UI, connectors and emails. This is something that almost all large corporations ask to do, and at the moment takes a lot of effort to accomplish. In addition, many non-corporate community sites want to ‘white-label’ Connections and hence this is a big issue for them too. If you agree that this would be useful, please leave a comment to that effect. Thanks!]