Jive 'Power of Connection' banner

The Jive ‘Power of Connection’ tour comes to London

Jive 'Power of Connection' bannerJive Software have been running a series of events around the globe this year, kicking off in NYC back in May, entitled ‘The Power of Connection’. Aimed at allowing existing and prospective customers to hear from both Jive staff and other leading organisations that use Jive-n and Jive-x, these events have been well-attended and have received really strong feedback.

I am delighted that an event has been scheduled for London, and it features a couple of key UK-based customers that I had the pleasure of working with whilst at Jive, as well as ex-colleagues from Jive EMEA and the worldwide organisation:

How Are Leading Companies Transforming the Way They Collaborate?

It’s all about ‘connectedness’ – sharing, collaborating and building corporate knowledge. At this event you will hear from Lloyds Banking Group, Virgin Media and Euroclear on how they have created truly interactive intranets and collaborative environment.

Taking place next Tuesday, 1st November 2016, at the Hilton Waldorf, the formal event agenda runs from 9:15am-2pm and includes these compelling sessions from current Jive customers:

Mark Mazza - Lloyds Banking GroupIf you build it, they won’t come – Tackling Collaboration in Lloyds Banking Group
Mark Mazza, Senior Manager, Colleague Collaboration, Lloyds Banking Group

Mark will share the journey of transforming collaboration within Lloyds, outlining the strategic starting point and the approach they have taken. He will also share the challenges they have encountered on the way, the value they have gained and what is still left to do.

Bonnie Cheuk - EuroclearWhat social collaboration means to Virgin Media
Justin Barber, Collaboration Manager, Virgin Media

Justin will speak about what Social Collaboration and Jive mean to Virgin Media. He will provide an insight into their journey to social collaboration and employee engagement, sharing adoption trends, their biggest wins and reveal a future where all projects are run from Jive linking to SharePoint.

Justin Barber - Virgin MediaDigital Transformation with business purpose
Bonnie Cheuk, Head of Digital Communications, Marketing & CSR, Euroclear

Bonnie will share how she has positioned digital transformation at the heart of Euroclear’s cultural change. She will share how the enterprise-wide social intranet and collaboration is transforming Euroclear’s digital workplace experience and helping them to deliver their vision of the digital client.

These sessions are top and tailed by main tent and breakout sessions from Jivers David Macmillan, Todd Moran and Michelle Gantt.

The event is free to attend, and promises to be tremendously informative and interesting from a content perspective, as well as providing an excellent networking opportunity for prospective customers to meet customers and partners in the UK Jive community.

You can register via this link. I hope to see you there!

Originally posted at Jive News.

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