The role of an IBM Champion

IBM Champion

To kick off, I have been truly honoured to be selected as an IBM Champion for IBM Collaboration Solutions this past year, and I think Joyce and the team did a brilliant job in bringing the program to fruition. I sincerely hope that I am doing a good job of representing the program in all that I do.

However, there has been lots of discussion around the role of an IBM Champion. I know that the attributes of an IBM Champion were listed when nominations were opened, but I wonder if the requirements of active IBM Champions are as clear?

  • Is it to be a positive representative of the brand from a sales/marketing perspective?
  • Is it to encourage use of the technology through blogging, user groups and education?
  • Is it to be willing to hold IBM to account (privately and/or publicly) when it falls short of what customers want or need?

I personally feel that the role involves all the above and more.  However I’m really interested in your opinions…

We’re a year into the program. What do you want or expect from your IBM Champions? What do you think of the program so far?  Has it been beneficial to IBM, to IBM customers or to you as an individual?

Please do leave a comment if you have an opinion.

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