Jive Transforming Traditional Intranets

Transforming traditional Intranets ‐ three places to focus

A really useful new whitepaper from Jive, authored by the always insightful Gia Lyons:

Many of today’s intranets are frustrating: Frustrating for employees to use, for content owners to govern, for IT to integrate, maintain and support. It’s time to modernize and mobilize. But, what should a modern, mobile intranet do and look like?

It boils down to three fundamental focal areas:

  1. delivering information and expertise seamlessly and securely across devices,
  2. giving people the tools to work better and faster and
  3. offering an open platform that integrates with a variety of systems people use across the company.

I break down each specific element of the modern intranet below.

Taking the reader through those focal areas in more detail, this 4-page whitepaper details some of the key characteristics of a next-generation intranet platform.

Whilst it is in no way surprising that Jive Software’s solutions deliver these characteristics better than most, this is a useful paper to share with colleagues to outline a vision for how a reimagined corporate intranet might deliver real business benefits.  The arguments are equally as valid for IBM-based solutions such as IBM Connections and IBM Connections Cloud (formerly IBM SmartCloud for Social Business).

Download >

[Originally posted on Jive News]

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