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Webinar: Surviving the Gartner Hype Cycle for your Enterprise Social Network

The APQC (American Productivity & Quality Center) are hosting an interesting webinar in a couple of week’s time, looking at how to manage a successful ESN:

When The Chartis Group launched its enterprise social network (ESN) in April 2016, the initial deployment and usage was a tremendous success, but engagement gradually slipped after the first 4-6 weeks. Through persistent promotional efforts and making the ESN a part of how employees do their jobs, adoption steadily improved over time.

During this webinar, The Chartis Group’s Director of Knowledge Management, Darrin Brogran, will discuss ways to strengthen any ESN within an organization. He will emphasize many of the challenges and pitfalls likely to be associated with a post-deployment ESN environment, actions designed to revitalize and refresh an ESN, and ways to optimize opportunities for your social network to become an embedded part of the organizational culture.

The webinar takes place on Thursday, April 20 at 10:30 a.m. CDT. Register now.

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