64-bit support

Another useful technote from IBM, as I know there is a lot of confusion as to what products are supported on what versions of operating systems.

Support for Lotus Domino Server and companion products on 64-bit operating systems (OS)

Since the introduction of Lotus Domino support on 64-bit operating systems, you require support information regarding other Lotus products that run on top of Domino (companion products), such as Lotus Sametime, Lotus Quickr, Lotus Workflow, and Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI).

Resolving the problem

To date, the following matrix represents the 64-bit operating systems that support the 64-bit enabled versions of Lotus Domino-based products.

IBM - Support for Lotus Domino Server and companion products on 64-bit operating systems (OS)

It would be interesting to see this table extended for the soon-to-be-released Domino 8.5 too. I’d like to know when Linux 64-bit Domino support will be here, particularly now many customers are getting used to Lotus Connections and other Websphere-based products being supported on that platform.

There are some additional notes to be wary of:


   * Domino 64-bit platform is not intended to interoperate with Lotus extended products such as Lotus Sametime and Lotus Quickr.

     For example, you cannot have run Lotus Sametime (a 32-bit application) on Domino 64-bit.

   * The only Lotus products that support running using 64-bits on 64-bit operating systems are Lotus Domino Server and Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) for Domino

   * The 64-bit version of Lotus Domino does not support DB2 integration. Read Domino and DB2 or more information

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