Collaboration Matters 10 – UK Lotus User Group (UKLUG) 2009

UKLUGNeil Burston and I talk with Warren Elsmore to discuss UKLUG 2009, coming up this autumn.  We cover:

  • What is UKLUG? When? Where?
  • What’s new for 2009?
  • What’s the relationship with ILUG?
  • How is UKLUG organised? Who’s involved?
  • Is it scary organising a 500 attendee user group?
  • Who pays for the event?
  • What about Collaboration University – this is also scheduled for the UK later this year?
  • The year so far – how has 2009 been for Lotus technology?
  • The Year ahead – what is planned / foreseeable – interesting technologies on the horizon or beyond – Google Wave

This podcast is 17MB and runs for 36 minutes at 64kps.  Enjoy!

Collaboration Matters 10 – UK Lotus User Group (UKLUG) 2009

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