Community Lounge

Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

The organisers of the Web2.0 Expo event coming up soon in Berlin have just announced that they are making a lounge available for community events:

Community Lounge

Web 2.0 Expo Europe is the gathering place for the European community and beyond to come together and discuss what’s happening, and what’s about to happen, on the Web and in our community. In that spirit, we offer you our Community Lounge – a place to hang out, network and hold meetings.


  * Wireless available in the room
  * Conference style seating for up to 30 people

  * Cafe style workspace seating

  * Power for up to 15 laptops (first come, first serve)

I think this is a great idea for both this conference and for others we attend (hint, hint!)…

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