Follow the Lotus ’advanced collaboration’ products on Twitter

An update from Jacques Pavlenyi:

Many of you have already been following the IBM collaboration solutions team through various Twitter IDs.  I wanted to quickly update you on our latest Twitter presence:
@LotusConnection – official Twitter ID for the IBM Lotus Connections team.  Yes, I know the last “s” was left off (omit “savings” joke here), you can thank Twitter for limiting the size of one’s ID name for that one.
@Quickr – after being a dormant account for several months, we’ve just reactivated it.  Please follow us for the latest news and updates from the Lotus Quickr team. 
@Sametime – follow the Lotus Sametime team for all your real-time social collaboration news and updates.

Of course, you want to follow the following users too:
@collabmattersCollaboration Matters corporate twitter
@stuartmcintyre – my own personal tweets
@connectionsblog – tweets regarding the Connections Blog
@quickrblog – tweets regarding the Quickr Blog
@thisweekinlotus – tweets regarding our podcast, This Week in Lotus

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