IBM Connections 5.0 Reviewer’s Guide published

To aid understanding of the features and abilities of the Connections product, IBM offers a Reviewer’s Guide – a document that details all the new features available in the latest release plus a comprehensive review of all the existing features.

Compiled by the IBM Connections product management team, this guide is a fantastic resource for existing and prospective customers, partners and anyone that is looking to learn more about the Connections solution.

The Reviewer’s Guide for IBM Connections 5.0 was published by IBM today:

With IBM Connections, IBM continues to provide flexibility for our customers and additional capabilities to provide a comprehensive comprehensive enterprise social software solution. In IBM Connections 5.0 we introduce major updates to features that allow for collaboration with external users, better attention management tools, and features allowing for easier management and viewing of files; all in addition to various update for all applications within connections.

This document will highlight all the new features available in this release as well as as comprehensive review of all the existing features.

This guide provides a summary of the applications that are included in IBM Connections 5.0. It is important to note that these applications can be used within an organization as needed—all together or as individual applications. Capitalizing on a flexible and modular architecture, organizations may start with a single application and add other applications when they choose. As in previous releases of IBM Connections, applications can be installed easily and naturally fit into the user experience, so it is easy to expand as needed.

It is available for download from Scribd or can be viewed below:

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