I am delighted today to announce that Collaboration Matters has launched its first packaged social collaboration soltion, the Knowledge Network, or K-Net for short.
K-Net is a full-featured suite of social collaboration and knowledge sharing tools for organisations, built 100% on a Lotus Domino platform. Features include:
- Social Profiles
- Collaboration Spaces and Communities
- Team, Group and Project areas
- Tagging and Bookmarking
- Personal and Group Blogs
- Content Management
- and much much more…
Delivered as a single web application environment, K-Net can be installed on-premise on your own Domino 7, 8 or 8.5 servers, hosted in our data-centres or purchased as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering. It really is all that an organisation would need to deliver social collaboration and to capture knowledge.
There is much more information to share, and this will delivered through a series of posts today. If you are at Lotusphere 2010 and have any questions, please do stop me and ask – I’d love to speak to you about K-Net!