Lotus URLs redux

You may remember that I had a bit of a moan at the inconsistencies in Lotus’ URLs earlier on this week – lotus.com/{product} and www.lotus.com/{product} going to different places etc.

Well, I’ve just posted an entry to the Symphony Blog and another inconsistency hit me – all the info re: Lotus Symphony is at… symphony.lotus.com.  That is the address that is coded into the site and is used in all marketing materials.  

So, the obvious question arises!  Why can’t IBM use this as the standard for all its Lotus product sites?   i.e. notes.lotus.com, domino.lotus.com, quickr.lotus.com, sametime.lotus.com, connections.lotus.com etc.  Wouldn’t that make the most sense, be easy for customers and partners to find and generally help to raise the profile of the products?

(As an aside, neither lotus.com/symphony nor www.lotus.com/symphony go to the Symphony site!)

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