New release of IBM Connections app for iOS and Android now available

IBM Connections LogoVersion 4.1.0 of the IBM Connections app is now available from the Apple App Store and Google Play, including the following enhancements:

  • Support for Community Files, Forums, and Bookmarks on SmartCloud
  • @mentions for status updates (requires Connections server 4.5 and above)
  • Target status updates to individual profiles or a community
  • Support liking for status update comments (requires Connection server 4.0 CR2 and above)
  • Single tap to view a file
  • File usability enhancements for quick access to common actions
  • Access file downloads from the launcher
  • View Forum attachments
  • Show most recently viewed Communities
  • Enhanced viewing for Community description
  • Enhancements to the URL for launching the app
  • Performance and stability improvements

For me personally, the most important of these is the @mentions in status updates, which really does open up IBM Connections to be used as an internal Twitter-style tool.  @Mentions are key in encouraging interaction via the stream, and having them available via the app makes them vastly more accessible and powerful.

The other enhancement I’d pick out is ‘Enhanced viewing for Community description’ – we are using the community overview for all kinds of enhancements to communities (probably way beyond IBM’s expectations when they developed the feature), such as dynamic image maps, embedded video carousels and much more.  I haven’t tested the new app release yet, but I’m hoping that this will improve the integrity of these overviews via mobile devices.

Go get it now! (iOS | Android)

[Also, the Blackberry app was updated recently, though to an older release – 3.4.2)

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