Speaking engagements this week

This week I’ll be pretty busy with both ongoing work for my favourite customer in New York, and also travelling to, and presenting at, a series of user groups around Europe.

Here’s my schedule:

Engage (formerly BLUG), Breda, Netherlands – Monday/Tuesday

Social Sharing vs. Organized Structure (with Femke Goedhart), Tuesday, 1015-11:00

This Week in Lotus, Tuesday, 12:30-13:30

BCCON, Hamburg, Germany – Wednesday

Social Business: The Irresistible Force to Overcome Immovable Objections, 11:00-11:45

ConnectionsBlast!, 14:35-15:20

Collaboration Stack Community, London – Friday

Technology Futures (Session Moderator), 11:00-12:00 

If you’ll be attending any of the events, please do come up and say hello – I’d love to get to know new folks this week!

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