Asus Zenbook 3 Announcement

No Steve Jobs…

Or even Tim Cook…

Sometimes it takes a really poor performance and presentation style (from ASUS CEO Jerry Shen in this case) to see the excellence elsewhere:

However, even looking past the presentation itself, I find the Zenbook 3 announcement to be fascinating.

You can’t deny it’s a good looking machine, nor that shoehorning an i7 into a <12mm thick notebook is impressive, but if announcing your new flagship model as simply a thinner Macbook clone with a faster CPU, then what does that say about the innovation and vision of ASUS itself?


Doing a TED Talk: The Full Story

Imagine being asked to speak at TED. Not the independent TEDx conferences, but as Tim Urban explains

The thing I was asked to speak at was the big Vancouver one. I say this not only to brag, but also to explain why this whole thing had me freaking out so much. The same thing that made it extra extra scary also made it extra extra not turn-downable.

So I accepted.

What follows is the very scary yet utterly compelling story of how Tim prepared and delivered his session.  Really great reading, and some super advice on what you should do, and probably will fail to do, next time you present at an event…

More >

Speaking engagements this week

This week I’ll be pretty busy with both ongoing work for my favourite customer in New York, and also travelling to, and presenting at, a series of user groups around Europe.

Here’s my schedule:

Engage (formerly BLUG), Breda, Netherlands – Monday/Tuesday

Social Sharing vs. Organized Structure (with Femke Goedhart), Tuesday, 1015-11:00

This Week in Lotus, Tuesday, 12:30-13:30

BCCON, Hamburg, Germany – Wednesday

Social Business: The Irresistible Force to Overcome Immovable Objections, 11:00-11:45

ConnectionsBlast!, 14:35-15:20

Collaboration Stack Community, London – Friday

Technology Futures (Session Moderator), 11:00-12:00 

If you’ll be attending any of the events, please do come up and say hello – I’d love to get to know new folks this week!