Stop sending me attachments!!


Picture of Robert van den BreemenBefore I begin, let’s first introduce myself. My name is Robert van den Breemen. I am working as an Enterprise IT Architect for over 15 years in a large Dutch government department. I am passionate about technology and the effect it has on the way people work. As the lead in the Digital Workspace Initiative that tries to enable users to do their work in a modern way I have seen and experienced first hand what technology-enablement means and how resistant people and organizations are to change. That leads me to exploration of the causes and present some ideas for improvements that will hopefully inspire change in technology. Simply because there is bright future ahead of us.


An essay on seamless cross integration between mail client and social platform(s)

In this essay (in three parts) I am going to explore the topic by creating a context and give my analysis of the situation. I will paint a picture of the reasons why people are not as efficient as they could be. I will explore what is probably going on in large enterprises. Which finally leads me to some new ideas why seamless cross integration of products is way more important than tons of new features in product and platforms.  

So one of the use cases that seems to be ignored in the collaboration space is the fact that sharing files and documents is done through e-mail as often as before. Even though Connections Files is a great way to share Files and Documents around it’s not done as much as you would expect. So let’s look at the root causes of this problem and why do people not change their behavior.

Some causes that we have seen within our deployment of Notes and Connections:

  1. People just are not used to Connections Files, they find it hard to use.
  2. People are used (habit) to putting their files in the mail and sending it to end-users.
  3. People are getting e-mails from the outside world as attachments.
  4. People still have their files on local disks and network shares, and drag and drop files into their e-mail.
  5. e-Mail is still the most common way to share stuff around to other people, to collaborate.
  6. People still think knowledge is power and they need to hoard and protect their content.
  7. Notes Mail and Connections Files are NOT integrated, it takes changes in one’s habits and workflow changes that are harder then just dragging and dropping.
  8. People live on file sharing, Office products and mail clients, not in browsers and Web pages.
  9. People are hard to convince to use yet another platform.
  10. People have their files and knowledge live in many places, mailboxes, Dropbox, file sharing, cloud drives, teamrooms, and… and…
  11. People send stuff to the outside world, then having stuff in Connections Files does not help.  So drop it into an e- mail, and off you go.
  12. People don’t know anymore where their stuff is opened, so e-mail with attachments might be opened on mobile devices, on android, on ipad or iphones or a Web client. Or even sent to an external user with Google Mail or Outlook mail client, or Apple Mail. It should all just work.

Email badgeWhen you ask adoption consultants what the problem is most of them will tell you that it’s a training and habit problem. So you just need to educate people more, teach them where  to do their tasks more efficiently and how to collaborate more efficiently. Thus the movement of “Zero eMail”. But lots of tasks still happen in e-mail and people just  have plain bad habits. But to be honest, the tools to communicate and collaborate don’t help you… In the last 5 years we have seen more and more options to collaborate to work differently. And yes, we just gave people yet another option to worry about, we added a channel, we called it a “social platform” (Connections). So basically we just added one more channel to their daily work habits. What do you think, did that help? It depends, it all depends on who you ask.

There are the true believers. We call them evangelists. People who truly believe that the way to go is to leave email behind and start working as a connected company. They will tell you that email is inefficient and that you have to change your ways. They show you convincing examples of how to change your ways. They create the 7 habits of highly effective people without e-mail. And they are right, of course. In a way we can be more efficient by working in a more open and connected platform, where people collaborate more openly, where you work together online in real time on a document, instead Danger Religious Warsof exchanging e-mails with individuals, fragmenting the discussions. You can involve your whole team, they can all see and comment on work items (aka documents). Thus you build on each other’s knowledge (like standing on the shoulders of giants). Clearly this is better. Its potential is clear. So people try. Some convert and will become believers as well. The believers will always try to work in the new way. Use the tools of their new beliefs. Even though it’s not always easy to follow along this path…

However in the meantime there are the haters too. They believe there is nothing wrong with their ways. They have worked this way for many many many years. Even though they can see some benefits in the way of the believers. They also see the flaws. They notice that the products are different. The ways of working are more open. You could easily see flaws. People make mistakes. So it boils down that these people resist. And start hating what the believers are telling them. They will resist the change that is happening. At every chance they will point out the flaws in the new way of working and the new tools. Some even believe that it might work, but point out that there is a whole other religion. It’s similar but another church and their ways and tools are just more appealing. They work better, smoother and have been around just as long. And that church copies some of the features, but improves upon them.

The truth is that the majority of people within an enterprise is caught somewhere in between the lines. They yet don’t see the benefits of the new ways of working and don’t understand the new tools. In fact, they just need to get their work done and want to get out of the office in time. They are just overwhelmed with the all the new functions and old options they are used to. They don’t want to change, it’s working just fine. They just want to be productive and get their work done. Of course they want to collaborate. Most work in teams anyway, so they have worked that way, right? Over the years the tools keep changing over and over again.  And the collaboration is done by groups of people. So even if the individual believes there are better ways, there is still the bigger group that needs to change their ways. In the mean time the world is changing in an increasingly faster pace, with mobile and cloud introducing new options daily, it seems.

Culture eats...So this is the context of most enterprise organizations that have started down the route to become a more social or a more connected enterprise. Some start with a clear vision of a more collaborative future of the work environment, where people can collaborate seamlessly with others, where leadership recognizes that they need to differentiate themselves from their competitors. There are different strategies to reach those goals of course. But as we all know culture eats strategy for lunch. In large organizations it is very hard to change culture . Strong leadership is needed. But even if you have strong leadership and a great vision of the future, even if that’s there that’s not a recipient for success. Why? Well leadership changes. The change of culture is difficult. The payoff takes a while. Value is not immediately apparent. People resist change. And tools are flawed. But, but, but, in time this will all be fixed. If we just switch to a tool that works? Or it will work the tools will become better and work seamlessly. Tools are simple to change, it is just the technology. And then people will see the benefit in the end and start working differently. And while this is all happening around us, people suffer. They are faced with an ever growing multitude of tools and choices. Choices they have to make. People have become the “integrators” between all the tools for their new way of working. And most enterprises fail to implement this better future effortlessly. Simply because you need long term leadership in place and that’s not the way most companies are built. It’s about short term and immediate return.

But what if we can incrementally change and grow slowly toward a better future? In the next part of this essay I will explore why products don’t help as much as they could…

Top 25

The Top 25 Global Social Business Leaders

Top 25Social business is about much more than social media. A social business is an organisation whose culture and practices encourage networks of people—employees, partners, customers and others—to create business value, and, ultimately, increase revenue and profits.

So who are the exceptional talents building today’s social businesses and what can we learn from them?

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has identified 25 leaders who are successfully applying social technologies, principles and strategies within organisations around the world.

Sponsored by IBM, this top 25 list highlights some of the organisations (and their leaders) that have truly revolutionised the way they operate using social technologies.  Here are the top 5:

  • Bonin Bough – Vice-president of global media and consumer engagement, Mondelez International
  • Marisa Thalberg – Vice-president for corporate digital marketing , Estée Lauder Cos
  • Chris Laping – Senior vice-president for business transformation, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
  • Scott Monty – Former chief of global digital communications, Ford Motor Co
  • Gilberto Garcia – Director of innovation, Cemex

It’s a fascinating list, and there are definitely stories here that will be relevant to all sizes and types of organisations.

More >

Prague Skyline

Beautiful European capital city? Check. Great social program? Check. Awesome Social Business conference agenda? Bingo!

Social Connections is back, this time for our sixth major European conference:

Social Connections is headed for the beautiful and historic city of Prague in the Czech Republic! What’s more, we’ll be bigger and better than ever… It will be our first ever two-day event, starting at 12pm on Monday 16th June and concluding our formal agenda at 6pm on Tuesday 17th June. This schedule is designed to allow those short of time to travel in on the Monday morning and out on the Tuesday evening if required. However, if one has more time to spare, then it would be easy to tack on a leisurely weekend stay too. What won’t change is that we’ll be making sure that ‘Social’ is not just a buzzword, but is instead at the heart of all that we do. Once again, we’ll have a very special complementary reception for all attendees (this time on the Monday night), splendid catering, plenty of Czech beer on tap (including the original Budweiser!), speed-sponsoring and much more. The team is planning some exciting new networking opportunities too. However, there will also be some awesome business and technical content too – this is a Social Business conference after all! The extra day means that we’ll have a series of fantastic keynotes and main tent sessions on the Monday afternoon, and then a full day’s multi-track agenda on Tuesday – featuring at least three rooms/tracks for business, technical and case study sessions. As usual, we want to keep the content varied and the energy high, so most sessions will be 30 minutes in length giving plenty of opportunity for great speakers to enthral you with their knowledge, passion and expertise.

That’s right, the event is headed for the Czech Republic this June, and to the wonderful city of Prague. It is sure to be a very special couple of days.

Prague Skyline
Prague Skyline

A few comments to add to the official announcement:

  • This is genuinely a ‘Social Business’ event.  Whilst our core focus has been on IBM Connections in the past, the widening of IBM’s vision in this area to cover other products and solutions (SmartCloud for Social Business, Domino/XPages, Social Business Toolkit, Exceptional Digital Experience, Kenexa etc) has meant that we definitely welcome sessions and attendees across all these areas.
  • This is an independent conference (though we are also very thankful for ongoing support from IBM) and hence we have licence to take a more rounded view on the sessions, discussions and topics that are covered that you would see at an IBM event.  We are therefore inviting session abstracts that cover integration with solutions with other vendors’ products, take a vendor-agnostic view of the Social Business landscape (that means you, analysts and authors!) or focus on the human side of Social Business (cultural change, personal productivity etc) as well as the technical.
  • That said, the agenda will feature an entire track of technical sessions – both on development and administration aspects.  One of the joys of Social Connections has always been the high-energy mix of 30-minute sessions, and this event will be no different.  We promise that you’ll have the opportunity to geek out in Prague!
  • We are getting really excited in advance of announcing our keynote speaker – it’s someone we’ve wanted to get to Social Connections for a few events now… Look out for more details very soon!

So, what are you waiting for?  Two days in a fabulous European city in the balmy long days of summer, a stellar location, packed and varied agenda, and free admission! What’s not to like?! 🙂 Can’t wait to see you in Prague!

Interviewed: SocialBiz User Group

Having been sat on the producer’s side of the desk for over a hundred episodes of This Week in Lotus, it was exciting to be asked to partake in an interview with Celia Hamilton of the SocialBiz User Group a few weeks ago.

Celia Hamilton from the SocialBiz User Group interviews Stuart McIntyre on what we can attribute the growth in IBM Connections installs to, how people can get involved in the connections community, and the Social Connections User Group.

Here’s the show (it’s audio-only, despite the embedded YouTube):

Thanks to Celia for inviting me on the show – it was great to chat. I hope you find the content interesting.

I mentioned Social Connections, my old blog post regarding growing the Connections community, the Social Connections LinkedIn group, and we also discussed IBM Connect 2014.

Hopefully I’ll see you at one of those events soon!

An IBM webcast you must not miss!

“From Liking to Leading”: Transforming Your Business with a Next Generation Platform for Social Business
Event Date: 03/13/2013 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

A comprehensive platform for social business can deliver business value and help you beat the competition. Join us and see first-hand the latest collaboration technology advances and adoption techniques. You will learn:

  • how a complete social business platform can best position you to unleash creativity and create a more effective and engaged workforce. 
  • what you should consider when looking for a social business platform 
  • why thinking early and often about adoption can speed the time-to-value

Hear from Jeff Schick, IBM Vice President of Social Software, and from speakers from organizations just like yours. They will share how social integration has transformed their organizations for competitive advantage. Learn how Microsoft customers in particular can make their existing environments even more social.

Whether you’re a business leader looking to transform your front office, a CIO looking to build a social platform to support organizational growth, an existing IBM customer, or even a Microsoft customer, you cannot afford to miss this exciting and informative broadcast.

Jeff Schick, Vice President, Social Software, IBM
R. “Ray” Wang, Principal Analyst and CEO, Constellation Research, Inc.

More >

Think announcements.  Think IBM Notes and Domino 9.0, IBM Connections 4.5, IBM Connections Content Manager and more…  

You need to be on the call!

Social Business Online for iPhone

IBM ‘Social Business Online’ app now available

IBM Connect is just around the corner (I travel on Friday, so better crack on with the packing!), and thoughts turn to sessions, schedules and social events.

After a few false starts this year, IBM has settled on the Social Business Online tool as the official means to view sessions, create a personal schedule and network with other attendees.  A combination of IBM Connections, Sametime and Domino/XPages platforms, it can be reached via the web, mobile browser or using the recently released native app for iOS (iPhone and iPad):

Social Business Online for iPhone Social Business Online for iPad

or Android:

IBM Social Business Online Android IBM Social Business Online Android

I’m fairly impressed with Social Business Online, and would advise all attendees to at least check in once or twice to see the latest content.  I do see this as the last year for this particular site though – I had hoped that the days of the ‘for one week only’ social sites were over.

There is also an exciting community-provided alternative from Mat Newman, Turtle Partnership and others ‘The totally unofficial, totally unsupported IBM Connect 2013 session database‘ (it does need a snappy acronym though!). This is available as a Notes database, mobile UI and now as a native iOS app too.

Either way, there is no excuse for not being properly prepared for IBM Connect.  My advice is to create a detailed schedule of sessions you plan to attend, plus a list of backup sessions should you be running late, the room is full or your first choice is not as engaging as you hoped it would be.

Sandy Carter: Social Business lessons for Education

Many of you will have seen IBM’s Sandy Carter presenting her Social Business Coffee Break series of videos on YouTube.  The series provides a good run through of Social Business concepts and case studies in the form of short sharp presentations that can be easily viewed whilst enjoying a beverage of your choice.  If you haven’t now might be a good chance to catch up some of the recent ones in advance of IBM Connect.

I did want to pick one of the videos out.  This one references Social Business use in higher education – within universities, colleges, schools and amongst their alumni:

Collaboration Matters has always has a great relationship with higher education institutions, including Cardiff University (mentioned in the video – situated in Wales rather than Canada), City University and a number of others.  Social Business in general, and IBM Connections specifically, is taking a firm hold in this area – staff and students stand to gain significantly from greater sharing of content, building of closer relationships based on trust and common interests and the ability to be present whether on campus or on a mobile device.

The next step is to start to network these great institutions together using Social Business techniques to manage research and collaborative projects – this process has already begun and we predict great acceleration in this area during 2013.

Lastly, there is a great need to enhance and manage the student lifecycle – the relationship with prospective students whilst they are considering their education options, through joining the institution and their ongoing studies, then on into post-graduate research and finally into alumni status.  Right now many institutions treat each of these populations as individual and distinct groups, with little continuity or transition of data or relationships from one stage to another.  Our partnership with Social Student is tackling this issue head-on, building a fantastic set of solutions and services to aid those in higher education to deliver innovative social tools to students, faculty and staff, aiding learning and engagement at every step.

If you haven’t heard about Social Student and their work in the HE sector, try get along to session SW501 ‘Social Learning – Redefine Education: Cardiff University and Birmingham Metropolitan College’ at IBM Connect (Tuesday, 10-11am, Swan Egret).  I’ll definitely be there!

Get a fantastic deal for IBM Connect 2013 with Kenexa

Update 10th January 2013: It seems that this deal was too good to be true and thus it has been withdrawn. If you managed to get your registration done in time then well done!

At Collaboration Matters we love to look after our customers, and so we are delighted to be able to share a fantastic deal with you courtesy of Kenexa.

The IBM Connect 2013 conference is coming up in just 2 weeks time. Many of you will know it as Lotusphere, but the near-20 year old conference has now been rebranded to IBM Connect, to reflect the new focus on Social Business and Smarter Workforce topics as well as the traditional messaging and collaboration areas. The conference this year takes place from 27-31 January at the Dolphin and Swan resort at Walt Disney World.

As a special offer to customers and prospects of Kenexa (a recent acquisition by IBM in the Smarter Workforce category), there is a special offer as follows:

Attend two days of the conference for just $995—saving hundreds off the two-day rate. Use code MAFFZR

Attend all five days of the conference for just $1,295—saving hundreds off the normal full conference rate. Use code JSHTTA

We recommend that all our IBM Collaboration Solution customers attend Connect – there really is no better place to hear the latest news about the products and solutions you use, as well as being part of the best community in the business.

Click through to register – there’s no time to waste!

Social Business: Collaboration comes of age

Deloitte Consulting:

The application of social business systems and practices is facilitating discovery and creating connections across the enterprise. It is also radically changing the way we think about core business strategies and goals. It makes real-time collaboration on tasks and documents possible, and provides a systematic view of who knows who, who knows what, and how work actually gets done. In short, social business delivers on the promises made by collaboration systems decades ago.

More >

Get Social. Build Apps. But first, Get Educated!

Some super ‘on demand’ webcasts from IBM.  Definitely worth watching if you want to transfer your development skills to the Social Business arena:

IBM Social Business Application Development Webcasts

Register now to view the webcasts, visit booths and ask questions to the Experts.

  • The Social Application Model- Charlie Hill, Social Business CTO at IBM Collaboration Solutions, describes how social tools integrate with enterprise applications in the social application model.  Learn about the starting points, common technologies, and social integration points that are the building blocks for social business applications.
  • Building Mobile and Social Applications- Philippe Riand, Application Development Architect at IBM Collaboration Solutions will describe how to build mobile and social applications using IBM Web Experience Factory, IBM Rational Application Developer and Domino XPages.
  • Panel discussion on XPages, Web, Mobile and Cloud Applications – Multi-channel Web Experiences, Social Application in the Cloud, Xpages / Social Business Toolkit, Social Business wrap-up / What’s next.

Social Business Application Development webcasts will guide clients and partners in adding social capabilities to their business applications to capitalize on the collective intelligence from people and social networks.

Don’t miss these exciting webcasts created just for application development professionals.

Featuring Charlie Hill, Philippe Riand, Gopal Gupta, Pete Janzen, Adam Ginsburg, Tyler Tribe and Dwight Morse these webcasts are an excellent way to get started with application development for Social Business.

More >

Alistair Rennie on becoming a social business

IBM’s GM for Social Business, Alistair Rennie, explains what it takes to become a Social Business.

A couple of interesting points to note.

Alistair’s job title seems to have changed from being GM for IBM Collaboration Solutions to being GM for Social Business. This seems to be a common shift now, indicating that Social Business is becoming the external brand, whilst ICS is in the internal organisation. I think this is a good move.

It’s fascinating to see a 7 minute video on IBM’s vision of Social Business without a single mention of IBM Connections or any other products. This is fantastic, as it really is a discussion about the importance of cultural change, business process, user adoption and so on, with technology as the enabler rather than the key element.

Nice work, Alistair.

Outside the Inbox

Outside the Inbox – now *this* is how to tell the Social Business story

Woke up to see a great new campaign doing the rounds this morning, led by IBM Benelux and the great Luis Suarez:

Outside the Inbox

Timed to coincide with No Email Day tomorrow (11/11/11), this is a terrific way to explain the benefits of leaving the inbox behind and starting to work socially.  Luis is just a great example to all those that want to leave the binding ties of email, and the team behind this site has done a super job of presenting the story and the related information in a really appealing and cohesive way.

So, tweet it, like it and share it (just don’t email it!)…