Speaking at MWLUG 2016: The Anatomy of the Perfect Use Case

I always feel a frisson of excitement when arriving at an airport ready for an international flight, and the anticipation is even more evident when it’s a long haul trip. And so it is today, sat in the BA lounge overlooking the tarmac of Heathrow’s eastern runway and T5 apron.

Heathrow plane watching

On this occasion I am delighted that it is Austin in Texas that’s the destination, and the purpose of the whirlwind 72 hour trip is to attend MWLUG for the first time. I first visited Austin back in 1998 to attend an IBM study tour, truly loved the vibe that the city has, and so I’m delighted to return once again almost two decades later.

MWLUG 2016

So what is MWLUG I hear (some of) you cry? The Mid West Lotus User Group.

Of course, Lotus as a brand is long gone, but the community and culture that surrounds the ICS products and collaborative vision definitely remain. MWLUG is a great example of the role and importance of the user groups in fostering and maintaining the community beyond the efforts of the vendor itself. From afar, I’ve always been left impressed by the efforts of Richard Moy and his team of volunteers in putting on such a professional event, as well as having the drive and determination to continue to look for new venues across the US – the scope has definitely widened far beyond the Mid West at this point!

This is my first user group event since leaving Jive, so I’m looking forward to meeting up with so many long-time friends after a couple of years away.

I’m also delighted to be presenting tomorrow afternoon at 5:45pm in session BP107, entitled ‘The Anatomy of the Perfect Collaboration Use Case’. This is a deck that I presented last Autumn at Social Connections 9 in Germany, but has been significantly enhanced based on the projects I’ve delivered since, as well as refocusing on the options available to IBM customers. Here’s the abstract:

Build it and they will come? By now, surely we should all be aware this is not the case.

Social and collaboration platforms need to provide demonstrable value, whether in productivity terms for the individual users, or in business value to the organisations involved. Therefore it is imperative that users know why they and how they should come together to use the platform in a strategic manner, to achieve a defined goal.

Join this session to hear why this means that platform owners and community managers must develop a roadmap of clearly defined and understood ‘use cases’, the factors and challenges that you need to consider, and how best to support the use cases within your deployment and launch strategy.

So if you’re at the event, please join me, or at least make sure you say Hi in the corridors of the Four Seasons, Austin. I always love to meet new community folks, particularly to hear how and why you’re deploying social collaboration technology to aid your business and support new ways of enabling your employees to connect and communicate.


18 tips for success

  1. Don’t do it if you don’t enjoy it.
  2. Be visible – get out there and sell yourself.
  3. Choose your name wisely.
  4. You can’t run a business without taking risks.
  5. The first impression is everything. So is the second.
  6. Perfection is unattainable.
  7. The customer is always right, most of the time.
  8. Define your brand.
  9. Explore uncharted territory – lots of things haven’t yet been discovered.
  10. Beware the “us vs. them” environment.
  11. Build a corporate comfort zone – so people can openly express themselves without rigid confines.
  12. Not everyone is suited to be a CEO.
  13. Seek a second opinion. Seek a third.
  14. Cut ties without burning bridges.
  15. Pick up the phone – don’t text or email when you should be calling.
  16. Change shouldn’t be feared, but it should be managed.
  17. When it comes to making mistakes, bounce back, don’t fall down.
  18. Be a leader, not a boss.

– Richard Branson

I was reminded of this list by a friend just this morning, so noting it here. It’s remarkable how consistently accurate and relevant the advice has proven to be over the years. 

New help with User Adoption? Ask Michael Sampson to help at this exclusive London workshop

The big news today is that IBM Connections 4.0 is now available.  However, whether you’re running Connections 3 or 4, MS Sharepoint, Jive SBS or any other collaboration or Social Business platform, the technology is only a small part of your project.  If you put in a great tool but nobody uses it, then you’re arguably even worse off than you were before.  Therefore, planning a strategic approach to user adoption is vital!

To help, Collaboration Matters have partnered with renowned collaboration and user adoption expert Michael Sampson (all the way from New Zealand) to deliver a one-day seminar on user adoption strategy for Social Business and Enterprise Collaboration environments.

Based on the newly released second edition of Michael’s successful book, this workshop will help you and your organisation formulate your own strategies to drive user adoption of the technology you wish to deploy to your users.

The seminar is to be held on Monday 1st October 2012 at the prestigious Royal Exchange location just a stone’s throw from Bank Station in the heart of the City of London.

All attendees will receive a signed copy of of Michael’s book and all refreshments will be provided.


The Developing a Social Business User Adoption Strategy seminar provides a forum for learning and engagement about encouraging user adoption for new collaboration tools. Over the course of one day, you learn about the main ideas in the book, plus have an opportunity to discuss, debate and localize what you are hearing with the other attendees.


Here are the key details of the seminar:

  • The one-day User Adoption Strategies public seminar is focused on the contents of the book, and subsequent material.
  • The aim is to have multiple firms represented at each public seminar, to maximize cross-fertilization of ideas.
  • If you’re an intranet manager, knowledge manger, IT decision maker or in any way already involved in or planning to be involved in using new collaboration tools inside your organization then you would benefit greatly from this public seminar.


The agenda for the seminar is:

08:30     Registration and Coffee
09:00 Opening Comments
09:30 Context and Models
10:30     Morning Break
11:00 Winning Attention (Stage 1) – Group Learning
12:00 Cultivating Basic Concepts (Stage 2)
12:30     Lunch
13:30 Enlivening Applicability (Stage 3) – Group Learning
14:30 Making It Real (Stage 4)
15:00     Afternoon Break
15:30 Measuring User Adoption
16:15 Your User Adoption Approach
16:50 Closing Comments
17:00    Finish


The cost for the day is £249 for those that book before 21st September, and a slightly higher rate for those that book in the final week before the event.  There is also a discount for those that qualify as academic or non-profit – students, universities, higher education and charities for example.

To book your place on this in-demand session with one of the world’s experts in this area, head over to EventBrite.  Any questions, just contact us.