Stunning panoramic timelapse movie of Los Angeles… You must see this.

Stuart McIntyre
Social Business strategist, podcaster, blogger, founder of Social Connections and conference speaker
Timelapse of 20 years of From the launch of the site in 1996 (Powerbooks and Mac OS 8) through to the iPhone 7 of today.
As you may have heard by now, we took the significant step of recording every single session at Social Connections VI back in June. As the videos have been processed and uploaded, the team have been publishing them on our Vimeo channel as well as highlighting some of the most popular sessions on the Social Connections blog – it’s worth checking them out if you haven’t already.
I’m pleased to say that my own session is now online. Here’s the abstract:
“I’m too busy” “My work is confidential” “I’m never in the office” “My position depends on me being the only source of my knowledge” We’ve all heard objections like these – reasons why key individuals cannot spare the time to share knowledge or to collaborate with others. Whatever the role, be it as executives, consultants, sales people or any other part of your organization, for social business to truly revolutionize your organization’s culture and productivity, these objections must be overcome. In this session, you’ll hear about driving adoption in organizations around the world. Find out how to make the benefits of social business irresistible for all your staff, no matter how immovable they might appear!
I’ve embedded the recording here, or you can watch it on the Vimeo site. The deck is available on Slideshare (I appreciate it is difficult to see in the video – apologies for that!).
I’d love to hear any feedback you have…
Taking a look at the latest release of Kudos Badges from ISW – the premier reward and recognition product for IBM Connections.