Twitter 2009 – by the numbers

It’s been yet another busy year on Twitter:

Twitter 2009
(Click to enlarge)

… though unlike many others, my overall Tweetings haven’t increase substantially over 2008.  Instead, I believe that the types of tweets have changed, with more discussions taking place and more relationships being built and strengthened through the medium of micro-blogging.  In addition, Collaboration Matters now has many other Twitter accounts besides my own, so these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg…

Of course, this graph doesn’t take in to account the thousands of micro-blogging updates added elsewhere, on Facebook, FriendFeed, our own Lotus Connections social collaboration platform, and on many environments that belong to our customers and partners.  There is no doubt that micro-blogging (or ‘influence awareness’ as I often term it) is increasing in importance, is more readily accepted by individuals and organisations alike, and is definitely here to stay!

Here’s to a Tweet-tastic 2010!

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