Robert Paterson - old culture has to die

The old culture has to die

Most organizations remain bound by the old rules. The power systems all use the old models. Only a handful of organizations have made the move. To make this kind of change, the old culture in the organization has to die. – Robert Paterson

It’s so refreshing when I engage with an organisation that views collaboration, productivity and efficiency through this lens. Tools alone cannot change an organisation or its employees’ work styles. Technological improvements must always be accompanied (or indeed, lead) by cultural change.

Harvey Mackay

Inspiring others

A mediocre person tells.
A good person explains.
A superior person demonstrates.
A great person inspires others to see for themselves.
– Harvey Mackay

Thinking of this quote a lot at present when delivering strategy workshops and training sessions. There’s really no excuse for failing to always attempt to lift one’s own performance up the next level, no matter how tough that can sometimes be.

Silicon Valley

What if we offered you stock options?

I worked one job and when I finally quit, they had the VP bring me in to ask why. I said, “Well, if you want me to be honest, I come in here on Monday and I’m completely miserable. I have no rapport with anybody. By the end of the day I want to shoot myself.” He looked at me and he said, “What if we offered you stock options?”

Awesome quote from Mike Judge (creator and executive producer of Silicon Valley)… If you haven’t caught the show yet, definitely recommended!